
This activity accompanies Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Speaking Test 4 Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4. 

This lesson is suitable for students at the beginning, in the middle and towards the end of their

Cambridge English: Preliminary course. B1 level. 

This lesson is also suitable for any pre- intermediate course in order to increase students’ confidence in the speaking skill. 

Lesson Goals

  1. To familiarise students with the procedure and expectations of the PET speaking examinatio
  2. To develop knowledge of the language for expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing and making choices 

Part 3 (3–4 minutes)

Tasks. Describing people and places; saying where people and things are and what different people are doing. 

Activity 4: Speaking.  A.

In this part you can practice your speaking skill and share with others students. Choose one of the pictures and describe it in 30 seconds. Record your voice and don´t forget to add your name and grade in the text comment part.

Tell us what you can see in the photograph 

















Cambridge English: Preliminary 8 Speaking Test 4 Lesson Plan

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2016





Carlos Lozano & Lozano School brings the opportunity to involve the whole community to participate in many cross-curricular activities which encourage all students to develop their communicative competences and promote their talents and skills. 


  1. Presentación en PowerPoint, Genially, Prezi o cualquier aplicación que maneje correctamente.
  2. TIEMPO: 1 minuto, para quienes agreguen audio.
  3. Debe contener el VALOR asignado al grado.
  4. Llevar un mensaje claro, original y sin errores. (20 a 35 palabras)
  5. Nombre del autor.
  6. Contener al menos 2 imágenes alusivas al valor.
  7. Elaborar en 1/8 de cartulina, solo estudiantes que presentan en físico.
  8. Entregar la actividad el 31 de Agosto/2020.


Carlos Lozano y Lozano is an official, municipal and educational institution in Fusagasuga – Cundinamarca, Colombia, that is dedicated to offer service to preschools, primary (1°-5°), middle (6°-9°), high school (10°,11°) students. It was founded in 1960 and accredited by the Colombian Ministry of Education. Currently directed by Luis Antonio Moreno Pinzon, Master of Education.

Our school in Fusagasuga is centrally located, spacious and comfortable. The weather is wonderful, views are gorgeous and atmosphere within the school is qualified, dynamic and relaxed which makes it an ideal place to study.

Lozano School English teachers are passionate about students’ learning and would like to bring them together, motivate and promote the desire to share a positive attitude. As well as providing opportunities to learn and grow.

We are innovative and constantly seeking to improve our service during this distance learning. Therefore, we are proud to say that Lozano bilingue Website has resulted in a steady growth in our area to provide a new environment full of useful online resources, interactive games and academic content to connect all our stakeholders and enhance their English language competences.




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