Make your own Mini- Greenhouse garden to grow plants and fight against deforestation in Fusagasuga.


We can combat deforestation from home with simple acts such as not using paper or reducing its use, and planting a tree.

Here we will show you how.


1. Wash a bottle carefully so that it is clean.

2. Cut the bottle in half.

3. Take the bottom part of the bottle and half fill it with soil.

4. Plant the seedling in the soil, making sure you place it in the center of the hole.

5. Fill the hole with compost and soil: Fill the hole with 50/50 of compost and soil at a time. And on the surface only with soil.

6. Place the top half of the bottle back on to the bottom half and use the tape to seal them together, making sure there are no leaks.

7. Put a few drops of water into the bottle. Place the cap back on.

8. Leave your mini greenhouse near a window where it will get plenty of sun.

9. After a few days you will notice the bottle "sweating". If it is too moist open it up and let it dry out for a while.



Quiz: How eco-friendly are you as a student?

Activity 1:


Elige la respuesta correcta


1) What do you do as a student of the I.E.M Carlos Lozano & Lozano to improve air quality in Fusagasugá.


  1. Do not throw garbage, save energy, and transport yourself in a healthier way.
  2. Continue voting garbage without control.
  3. Recycling
  4. Burning garbage in outdoor spaces.


2) As a college student, how would you help preserve the municipality's water sources.

  1. Do not waste water, leaving the taps open
  2. Using less chemicals
  3. Not voting trash
  4. All of the above


3) Pollution in Fusagasugá would affect the lives of its inhabitants

  1. True
  2. False


4) When you have batteries to dispose, where do you deposit them?

  1.  In treatment centers
  2.  In the house
  3.  Dispose of it to the garbage.
  4.  None of the above.


5)  You believe that it is necessary to recycle products that have a second life.

  1. False
  2. True

Activity 2 : Think about the activities you do at home to protect the environment and write 3 more to this list.



               1. Take shorter showers








2. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth


       3. Collect rainwater to use later for watering plants


Activity 1

  1. You must draw a landscape that reflects the consequences of deforestation 



We can have our little aquatic ecosystem




  1. Build a cardboard aquarium.

Materials needed: Cardboard box, large plastic bags, scissors, marker, and masking tape.


- Line the bottom of the box with tape.

- Cut the top covers.

- Mark and cut two large windows on the sides of the box.

- Place a large plastic bag inside the box leaving the end open.

- Add water and check that no liquid drips.

Introduction: To start the experiment, fill the box with water. The sides of the bag have to go out the windows eliminating wrinkles and leaving a perfect view. You can put stones or plants.Then introduce animals and observe the interactions that result.

Note: Many living things appreciate water and live thanks to it. Keep in mind that when we protect water  we protect our future.




Show all Activities

Saturday, November 07, 2020 Administrator Protect our Natural World 0

 An acrostic poem is a poem in which


Sunday, November 08, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0

Activity 2 : Think about the activities you do at home to protect the environment and write 3 more to this list.



               1. Take shorter showers






Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0


Activity 1

  1. You must draw a landscape that reflects the consequences of deforestation 



Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0

Quiz: How eco-friendly are you as a student?


Thursday, November 12, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0


Make your own Mini- Greenhouse garden to grow plants and fight against deforestation in Fusagasuga.

