Quiz: How eco-friendly are you as a student?

Activity 1:


Elige la respuesta correcta


1) What do you do as a student of the I.E.M Carlos Lozano & Lozano to improve air quality in Fusagasugá.


  1. Do not throw garbage, save energy, and transport yourself in a healthier way.
  2. Continue voting garbage without control.
  3. Recycling
  4. Burning garbage in outdoor spaces.


2) As a college student, how would you help preserve the municipality's water sources.

  1. Do not waste water, leaving the taps open
  2. Using less chemicals
  3. Not voting trash
  4. All of the above


3) Pollution in Fusagasugá would affect the lives of its inhabitants

  1. True
  2. False


4) When you have batteries to dispose, where do you deposit them?

  1.  In treatment centers
  2.  In the house
  3.  Dispose of it to the garbage.
  4.  None of the above.


5)  You believe that it is necessary to recycle products that have a second life.

  1. False
  2. True

Show all Activities

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Sunday, November 08, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0

Activity 2 : Think about the activities you do at home to protect the environment and write 3 more to this list.



               1. Take shorter showers






Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0


Activity 1

  1. You must draw a landscape that reflects the consequences of deforestation 



Wednesday, November 11, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0

Quiz: How eco-friendly are you as a student?


Thursday, November 12, 2020 Administrator English Lab 0


Make your own Mini- Greenhouse garden to grow plants and fight against deforestation in Fusagasuga.

